Damp, Mould & Condensation

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Consultation has concluded

MTVH's commitment

MTVH believes that everyone should have a decent home and the chance to live well, so we are committed to ensuring lasting solutions are implemented. We recognise that the responsibility of maintenance issues lie with us.

Resident involvement

The 'Documents' section on the right hand side of the page contains the leaflet compiled by MTVH following feedback from residents. The information was also based on government guidance as we work closely with Environmental Health to eradicate damp issues. The leaflet has been created to provide advice and ensure residents understand our process.

In July 2022, we completed a survey as part of the damp and mould review occurring in MTVH, which was part of the wider Property Experience project. The project scrutinized the old approach to damp and issues, and how we can change this to offer more support to residents.

We really value the feedback we had and want to show how you have shaped this work...

You said you wanted to "understand the role of Local Housing Managers in the process and how they could support locally"..

We have included information on non-repair support that is available, and that Local Housing Managers and the Empowering Futures team might get involved. We have not gone into detail on how they will provide help as this will depend on the circumstances in each case.

You said you "wanted an explanation on ‘compensation to the resident when MTVH fails to do what it says’".

We considered including this in the leaflet but wanted to avoid any confusion on this matter. Therefore, there is sperate information available and the opportunity to make a complaint via the main MTVH website here.

You said "the language is too wordy".

We did a review of the content of the leaflet and want to strike a balance between being informative and keeping things concise. We’ve broken the information into text boxes and bullet points to keep things clear, and have included relevant photographs to illustrate this.

You said "you were not clear on how long the process would take".

We are unable to give a specific timeframe in general for the process as it is assessed on a case by case basis. But we have made it clearer in the leaflet that we will continue to monitor over a 12 month period to make sure interventions have been successful.

You liked that "practical information was given such as information on pan lids but also that we included a disclaimer about the tips provided".

We wanted to demonstrate the role that MTVH takes in managing damp and mould, but also to include tips that customers can follow which are good practice. We aimed to make this as clear as possible.

MTVH's commitment

MTVH believes that everyone should have a decent home and the chance to live well, so we are committed to ensuring lasting solutions are implemented. We recognise that the responsibility of maintenance issues lie with us.

Resident involvement

The 'Documents' section on the right hand side of the page contains the leaflet compiled by MTVH following feedback from residents. The information was also based on government guidance as we work closely with Environmental Health to eradicate damp issues. The leaflet has been created to provide advice and ensure residents understand our process.

In July 2022, we completed a survey as part of the damp and mould review occurring in MTVH, which was part of the wider Property Experience project. The project scrutinized the old approach to damp and issues, and how we can change this to offer more support to residents.

We really value the feedback we had and want to show how you have shaped this work...

You said you wanted to "understand the role of Local Housing Managers in the process and how they could support locally"..

We have included information on non-repair support that is available, and that Local Housing Managers and the Empowering Futures team might get involved. We have not gone into detail on how they will provide help as this will depend on the circumstances in each case.

You said you "wanted an explanation on ‘compensation to the resident when MTVH fails to do what it says’".

We considered including this in the leaflet but wanted to avoid any confusion on this matter. Therefore, there is sperate information available and the opportunity to make a complaint via the main MTVH website here.

You said "the language is too wordy".

We did a review of the content of the leaflet and want to strike a balance between being informative and keeping things concise. We’ve broken the information into text boxes and bullet points to keep things clear, and have included relevant photographs to illustrate this.

You said "you were not clear on how long the process would take".

We are unable to give a specific timeframe in general for the process as it is assessed on a case by case basis. But we have made it clearer in the leaflet that we will continue to monitor over a 12 month period to make sure interventions have been successful.

You liked that "practical information was given such as information on pan lids but also that we included a disclaimer about the tips provided".

We wanted to demonstrate the role that MTVH takes in managing damp and mould, but also to include tips that customers can follow which are good practice. We aimed to make this as clear as possible.